Welcome to the Irish Register of Chinese Medical Herbalism (IRCMH)

IRCMH members have a minimum of 2 years post graduate study in Chinese herbal medicine and are graduates from colleges whose curricula meet the high standards deemed necessary for membership.

Our training requirements comply with the guidelines currently recommended by the European Traditional Chinese Medicine Association (of which we are members) which is a party to the World Health Organisation (WHO) Traditional Medicine Chapter.

What is Chinese Medicine?

Chinese Medicine is the original traditional medicine system of the Chinese people which has developed over the last five thousand years. Within China it has equal status with conventional western medicine and both are practised in an integrated way, whilst still retaining their respective unique medical approaches.

What can Chinese Medicine treat?

The IRCMH believes that Chinese herbal medicine has a role to play in the treatment of many conditions, especially in their chronic forms, which create great difficulty for conventional medicine. The results that can be expected depend on the severity of the condition, duration, and general health of the patient.


In this section you can find a growing body of links to articles and research around the subject of Tradtional Chinese Medicine.